You'd never guess by looking at me but I do have an eye for, and, an appreciation of, all things stylish. I'm working on becoming more stylish myself as I'm sick of being a "one pair of shoes, jeans and a t-shirt" kind of guy. I hope to dovetail my style makeover with my new health and fitness regimen... which starts on Monday... I mean it this time! I have a few guy style icons I admire, I call them "Guycons" These guycons are people I consider to be proper gents, stylish and worthy of emulation or at least my respect. They've sported looks which no doubt will influence my clothing purchases in the near future. (regular readers will notice I've already forgotten about my financial concerns as discussed just yesterday). Steve McQueen is, without a doubt, the King of Cool. He liked cars, motorbikes, did his own stunts (most of them), made some great films and was one sharp dressed dude. McQueen was also fond of PERSOL sunglasses, BARACUTA jackets and desert boots. If you haven't seen BULLITT filmed in SF, see clip, the GREAT ESCAPE or the original THOMAS CROWNE AFFAIR you need to get on netflix and cue 'em up. Daniel Craig is officially my favorite Bond, I know there are probably Sean Connery fans out there, maybe even a Pierce Brosnan fan, that would disagree but Craig has brought some much needed life to the James Bond genre and... he's the same age as me. I KNOW!!! I don't know whether to thank him for inspiring me or hate him for making me look bad?!
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