A month or so ago, when I was out and about, I ran into a girl I kinda sorta knew and I kinda sorta liked. We danced a bit, talked a bit and we exchanged phone numbers. We went out on a few dates and things were going really good, then one night it went sideways. I was out at a club, New Wave City, or 1984, but anyway, I was out, I'd been drinking, I liked this girl I'd been dating and, at 2:20am I get my phone out and proceed to text the following message to her; "do you want to come over?" yeah, I know right? NICE ONE TOM!
So as you can imagine that was that. I woke up next morning and cringed as I looked through the sent messages, hoping that it had happened in a dream, no such luck. Ashamed I emailed an apology; no reply, I called and left a message, no call back. It was then I knew I needed to rethink everything I thought I knew about dating and I joined yahoo personals.
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