Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Omelets don't "just happen"...

Do you think it's possible that as a consumer based society we are conditioned to ALWAYS want more stuff? It doesn't matter if it's your house, car, t.v., clothes, jewelry, bank balance etc., no matter what we have we always want more. Is that right? There will always be a bigger t.v., a bigger home, a newer car, a bigger diamond to get. Is that what keeps life interesting? The drive to get more? Do we ever stop... and say "ok... NOW I'm happy, NOW I have enough, this is exactly what I want"? I don't know... I'm asking.

How does American society measure your level of success? Is it your level of wealth? Your education? Social status?

I've always been a believer of buying the best of what you can afford, for each person it's different, that's where personal taste comes in. There's so much more to it though; intellect, finances etc. What is it that makes us want what we want?

I'll see a building here in SF, usually it's some old red brick commercial building two stories tall and I'll think; "that would be awesome to own that building, i'd turn the upstairs into a loft, live in it and do something with the first floor, I'd love to live in a loft" then, as quick as that idea pops into my head it's replaced by "but I'll never do it, there's NO way I could afford that". I've already decided that it's impossible.

One of my biggest fears is the fear of failure. It's a fear that cripples you, destroys your motivation and stops you before you start. So much so that over time you develop a why even bother mindset. I wonder how others think, the Wright Brothers, Henry Ford okay even Barack Obama. In fact let's pick Obama, how many times do you think people said to him "You'll never be President, you're black, it'll never happen, don't even bother"?

I really REALLY admire people that make personal sacrifices for long term personal benefit. They have vision, patience and an unshakable belief in themselves. There are people that know they will succeed and they plan, taking the necessary steps to reach the goal they chose for themselves. The best can't be distracted from what they know they need to do. Their ability to remain focused and true to themselves really blows me away. Seriously, I don't know what word to use to describe how much I admire people like that. If you know it let me know.

I don't believe things "just happen", bridges don't just happen, babies don't just happen, accidents don't just happen. Everything happens for a reason and things are MADE to happen. Here is an example in its simplest form---
Let's say you want an omelet. Is wanting it enough to make an omelet happen? No. So you go to the cupboard, get out the frying pan and set it on the cooker, will an omelet happen now? I mean you really want it and you've even gone so far as to put the pan on the cooker. Well, it's more likely to happen now because you do need a frying pan to make an omelet but you also need eggs, heat, a whisk, maybe a little milk, salt etc. etc. You get the idea right? It takes MANY things to make something happen, even something as simple as an omelet, plus, here's the thing, if one thing is missing from the ingredients you won't have a good omelet. There's the want (or need), recipe, ingredients, a desired outcome... all that just to make some breakfast. LIFE is the same way. Remember though, you can have all the ingredients, recipes, utensils, needs and wants, even the motivation!, but, if you're afraid your omelet is going to come out crappy and you don't crack an egg, you will never succeed, the attempt to try is the cornerstone of success. At least try.

I know what I want and where I want to go, which is good as most people don't, I need to collect the tools I need. I need to focus and figure out how to get from where I am to where I want to be. I need to sacrifice some comforts and I need to know I can and will succeed. I need to remind myself everyday what I'm doing and why I'm doing it. I need to try.

There's more to this but I need a break...

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