WORK--- Nothing to complain about, I have a job and I love it. I'm the solo Vespa tech right now, Dave is on holiday and Matt is wrenching on cars which leaves me with nobody to talk to, just me and the thoughts that loop continuously through my head. I'm a bit of a worrier at times, I get down on myself. My rut or "guy period" shows up once every 3 months, typically it doesn't last long, maybe 2-3 days then I'm back to my usual happy-go-lucky self. I've had feelings of self doubt and inadequacy lately aka low self esteem. It probably has something to do with the fact that I haven't been taking very good care of myself lately; being lazy, eating unhealthily, I drank last week too and got rather inebriated, the morning after wasn't that bad hangover wise but, I get depressed for that day. I know alcohol is a depressant so I know what to blame it on but, being my own biggest critic, I'm pretty hard on myself and beat myself up for getting drunk, not exorcising, getting up late, not taking care of my skin etc. etc. etc. Anyway what can you do but ride it out right?
FINANCES--- Bills are getting paid AND even after taking 3 weeks off work I'm doing good. I've been spending money wisely, notice I said "spending" money wisely, not "saving" money wisely... I'm working on it. I've been looking on craigslist for a part time job, I just want a simple evening retail/stock job for extra cash. A 6pm-10pm job would be ideal. Just putting it out there in the universe.
CURRENT EVENTS--- Just life really, keeping myself busy--- insuring and registering the car, paying off my library fine, getting pics printed from the trip. I keep a little 3x5 spiral notepad in my back pocket and take it with me EVERYWHERE, I get so much more done when I have a to do list to remind me. How about you? Oh, I almost forgot, I made homemade Borscht and it came out awesome! I also made Pelmeni from scratch but that wasn't what I would call my finest work. I believe that we can create our own reality (in certain cases) so I'm trying to recreate a little bit of my Latvian trip in my life.
FUTURE EVENTS--- Same old stuff I'm sure you're all sick of reading about; lose weight, get healthy, save money, be happy, have fun and be the best me i can be.
THINGS THAT PUZZLE ME--- First off, how do people, Muscovites for example, survive in the most expensive city in the world on the wages they make for normal everyday jobs? Better yet, HOW did Moscow become so expensive??? Another puzzle is the exchange rate for Latvia, it has the worst economy in all of Europe and yet it takes $2 to get just 1 Lat??? How is it possible that they have such a strong currency?
O.K., I'm sure I'm boring most of you so I'll quit while I'm ahead.
Smile more, it's free!
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