this is just a list of random stuff i live by, codes i guess, anyway, i will add to this list and, when appropriate i'll explain myself and credit the person that influenced my thoughts.
1. "no future, no past, just now".
this one came from dave, the circumstances on how this quote came to be were hilarious, sad and brilliant all at the same time. it's such a great statement if you look at it and take it the right way. so i started to think about what dave had said and i wanted to apply it to my life somehow, how could i take this and make it my own? i have spent much of my "adult" life swinging back and forth between the past and the future, i'd be in the middle of some activity and instead of enjoying myself, doing whatever it was i was doing, i'd be asking myself "what am i doing next?" i rarely lived "in the moment" which is what life is truly all about, being here now.
2. perception is reality.
a persons perception of you is their reality of you, until proven otherwise. 99% of the people you come in contact with you'll probably never see again, so how important is it? well, it's the 1% i'm more interested in. to me it's of hyper importance.
3. be the person you are seeking to attract.
i was sitting around thinking one day (it happens) and i asked myself what kind of girl i'd like to go out with, i came up with a list of traits and qualities that i found to be important to me, then i wondered; how do i attract that kind of person? by becoming the person that i want to attract. in "tom-land" like attracts like. i believe good people are drawn, naturally, to other good people. honest people find other honest people, and of course, bad people are drawn to other bad people. now, there is a belief that "opposites attract" maybe in crazytown opposites attract, but as far as i'm concerned opposites divorce!
4. everything is temporary.
i love this! it helps me live in the moment and to appreciate what i currently have. i use this quote a lot lately, especially with the economy being the way it is. I might not have a job tomorrow, but, i have a job today and i will give 100% of my efforts, skills and abilities to it. this isn't just about work, i think it can be applied to everything, there is nothing more important than life and, even that is temporary.
5. treat others as you wish to be treated.
golden rule... 'nuff said.
6. you have to love/respect/believe in yourself, if you don't, why should anyone else?
this came from my other bff, arsen roulette (google him), and he got it from his friend "rockin'" lloyd tripp (google him too). during my two month membership to a dating website i went out on a lot of dates and i can't tell you how many people apparently don't like themselves very much, (usually it's because some asshole really screwed them over), even though they may say that "i'm a good person" they will tell you, either verbally or through their actions, that they don't believe in, love or respect themselves. i don't get it? if you can't love yourself doesn't that make you unloveable? if you're unloveable, what are you doing on a dating website? hoping to find an external validation of your worth? which leads me to my next -ism.
7. true happiness comes from within.
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